How to make money online with google for free

Today i will be talking about how to make money online with google site trust me this is easy but if you don\'t know how to make money online with google site then you will be thinking that it is hard.


Now google site is a platform created by google where you can create your blog content for free without you paying any money for domain name or hosting plan all you need to do in order to make use of this free platform is for you to sign up with your google account and then you will be able to get access to this awesome platform, one of the thing i love about this platform created by google is that it has domain authority(DR) of 97 so which means you can still rank for high keyword search on google what i am trying to say in a nutshell is that you will rank on google search os people can see your blog content then you can start to make money online with google for free.


How to make the money

Now there are various ways but i will be listing the three most important ways to make money online with google for free.

  1. Affiliate marketing
  2. Drop shipping
  3. Print on demand

1. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a system put in place where you can help somebody to sell his/her products or services in return for a commission. So all you need to do is to go and look for an affiliate marketing program sign up with them and get your affiliate link after that go to google site write content related to the affiliate products you want to promote and add your affiliate link to the content, so when people click your link and buys your affiliate products you will start to make money online with google for free.


2. Drop shipping

This is similar to affiliate marketing but it\'s different in drop shipping all you need to do is to look for a product you want to sell after that go to google site create a content related to the products you want to promote or sell advertise the product and add your price for example if the price of the products you want to sell is $40 you can increase the price to $60 so when a person want to buy the product they will pay you and you will remove the $20 you have added and order the products to the location of the person that paid you and $20 will be yours.


3. Print on demand 

What you need to do is that you will go to any website that is adding images or logos to materials like cup and clothes create any image you want add it on the cup or clothe add your price of the product after that go to google site create a content related to the products you want to sell advertise the product and add the price of the product so when a user buys it you will be given a commission.



So this are the three most important ways to make money online with google for free if you don\'t understand what i explained or you need help doing it comment your problem in the comment section below and i will get back to you, please don\'t forget to like this post and follow me so you be notified anytime i create a new post thank you.

Posted: June 29, 2024, 11:35 a.m.
