How to promote affiliate products for free

How to promote affiliate products for free First of all before i show you the wonderful ways to promote your affiliate product for free, let me explain affiliate marketing to you. 

he reason why some people don't make sale in affiliate marketing is because they lack the right and accurate knowledge to make sale in affiliate marketing i remembered when i started affiliate marketing i was just posting my affiliate link anywhere and anyhow and i did not make any sale until i read about what i wan to share with you today in this content that is when changes occured in my affiliate marketing sale.



 Affiliate marketing is a system put in place where an Affiliate(someone helping to sell a product or services) helps Merchants(owner of a product or service) to sell his or her product or service and then the affiliate gets paid by the merchants a commission. 



To become an affiliate marketer you need to look for affiliate programs and then sign up as as an affiliate.List of affiliate programs are

  1. amazon associate
  2. click bank
  3. share a sale
  4. commissionjunction
  5. ali express
  6. e-bay
  7. impact
  8. digistore24
  9. partnerstack
  10. bluehost
  11. bench
  12. teachable
  13. namecheap 
  14. Money robot  
  15. Tubebuddy
  16. Vidiq 


So this are some of the platforms were you can promote your affiliate products for free but they are other platforms you can use. 




 Now after signing up with those affiliate programs and getting your affiliate link the next thing to do is to look for platforms to promote your affiliate products for free, so this are some ways to promote your affiliate products links



Social media is one of the most powerful tools for promoting your affiliate products links because it has millions of active users and visitors, so you can post an image of your affiliate products and add the link to it.



Email marketing is another good way of promoting your affiliate products to people, all you need to do is to get a lot of email you can buy email if you want to, after getting your email then you will compose a mail add your affiliate link to it an send it to the list of emails you have.


3. SMS

Sms is another way of promoting your affiliate link which is also good it is almost similar to email marketing all you need to do is to get the phone number of people you want to send your sms to, compose your message to look good then add your link to it and send the message.


4. ADS

Ads is a good and nice way to promote your affiliate link that you can be 70% sure that many people will click and even buy your affiliate products, what you need to do is to sign up with any ads company like facebook, google etc then pay them to advertise your affiliate products.



Collaborating with influencers in your niche can help you reach a wider audience and promote your affiliate link to their followers. Make sure to choose influencers who align with your brand and have a loyal following. 



 If you have a website you can add your affiliate link to your website as advertisement or as a post if you don't have a website or you want to use another free website then you can use tlok, tlok is a very nice online platform were you can sell your products, affiliate products and services for free so you can make use of tlok for selling your affiliate products or your own personal products. Blog is also another powerful way of selling your affiliate products that can easily make a sale for you, all you need to do is to write a blog that is related to your affiliate product and then add your link to it, if you don't have a blog you can either use wordpress, blogger or tlok etc they are a lot of free platforms you can use to write your blog content.So this are some of the platform where you can post your affiliate link so you can start making money through affiliate marketing.



After reading this content and practicing it you will start to see changes in your sales because this was the strategy i used that i made a lot of money from affiliate marketing, if this content was helpful to you please don't forget to help me to share it so that others will also benefit from this knowledge thank you for reading i wish you the best in your affiliate marketing journey.



1. Can I promote my affiliate link on my own website?

Yes, promoting your affiliate link on your own website through content marketing is a great way to attract a targeted audience.


2. How often should I promote my affiliate link on social media?

It's important to strike a balance between promoting your affiliate link and providing valuable content on social media. You can promote your affiliate link a few times a week, but make sure to provide engaging content in between.


3. Is paid advertising necessary to promote my affiliate link?

No, paid advertising is not necessary, but it can be an effective way to reach a wider audience quickly.


4. Should I disclose that I'm using an affiliate link?

Yes, it's important to disclose that you're using an affiliate link to your audience. This builds trust and transparency with your audience.


5. How do I choose the right influencers to collaborate with?

Choose influencers who align with your brand and have a loyal following in your niche. Look for influencers who have high engagement rates and a genuine interest in your products or services. 



Posted: June 30, 2024, 11:32 a.m.
