Start An Online Web Site Review Business

Having a company Web site is a fact of life in the business community today, but what good is having a Web site if no one can find it or if it doesn’t meet the expectations of your target market?

Many companies are actively seeking the knowledge of other individuals to evaluate their corporate Web sites. This presents you with an opportunity to launch a business to meet their needs. You can offer your services to perform in-depth Web site analyses. The formal report you hand over to the client should contain information on whether or not the company Web site appeals to its target audience, whether or not the site is easy to use, the extent of search engine friendliness, and so on. Revenue would come directly from Web site review services rendered.



A background in Web site design, knowledge of the major search engines and their ranking criteria, and experience in Internet marketing are important. The ability to communicate your observations and recommendations clearly and concisely to your client is a necessity. Your clients generally will not be familiar with the technical jargon surrounding the Internet and will look to you for advice in plain English.



Your initial setup costs will include a personal computer. If you do not have an extensive background in marketing online or a basic understanding of what you need to do during the Web site design process, then you may need to invest additional money in educational materials, such as Internet marketing and Web site design books. Some companies that offer Web site reviews as a service use specific programs to perform part of the Web site analysis process (e.g., HTML review, link verification), and these software packages and services are available to you for a fee; however, this is not a necessity. You will also need to pay for the design, development, and hosting of your Web site. The cost to set up and run this type of business ranges from $3,000 to $10,000.



This business can easily be started with one part-time experienced individual.



The international reach of this business is dependent on language. Businesses all over the world need Web site reviews conducted. This business will work well based on referrals, so if your client base has international ties, your services could be solicited from virtually anywhere.



E-business level 1 or 2 is most appropriate for the Web site review business. If you would like to accept payment online for your services, then level 2 makes more sense.



A Web site review is a critique, and in all critiques the client will question your reasons for having one opinion or another, so to back up all your advice in your reports, use pertinent examples. These examples may come directly from the client’s Web site or, when trying to illustrate a suggestion, you may want to reference a competitor’s site that is making use of what you’re recommending. Remember not to dispense the information until you have collected the amount you are owed for the entire job. Once clients have your report in their possession, your job is essentially done and they no longer need you.



  • Develop a comprehensive link strategy. Negotiating and reciprocating links from other, related sites is an excellent way to bring targeted business to your Web site. You will want to be linked from all content sites and meta-indexes that cater to your target market.
  • Develop a sponsored listings campaign to bid on appropriate keyword phrases with the popular search engines.
  • You might also consider using a viral marketing technique like “Tell a Friend about This Useful Service.” This will allow your clients to refer your site to their friends.
  • Get your services mentioned in e-zine articles about online marketing success stories and online publications about advancements and resources within the Internet marketing industry.


The Forrester Web & Commerce Site Review This operation provides clients with a targeted, action-oriented assessment of their Web site. Forrester analysts conduct a comprehensive examination of the client’s site and corresponding strategies. This is a great way to view a few successful Web sites.

Posted: July 6, 2024, 1:33 p.m.
