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Understanding business competitors is one of the major requirements for lasting in the world of business because if you don't know the two major category of business competitors you are likely to fail in business, not because you don't know about business or the requirements and factors for making your business successful but you might likly fail because you don't know you competitors, it just like trying to fight what you don't know and trust me that always ends up in disaster, so that is why i am writing the article so you can have a clear picture of the two major category of business competitors you will face in the business world.
Befor we go further i want you to delete the mind set that your business is unique and that you do not have a competitor because that is a very big lie that i want you to ignore and delete right now because that mind set will not help you at all in the business world, if you carry that mindset then don't be surprised when someone beats you out of business, you know sometimes the responsible for the failur of business is that most business people refuse to accept the truth and some don't care they just do business anyhow and expects success in business every time but that is a lie that they have not yet realised yet so if you are willing to learn the truth then let go.
This is because it will help you to know the competitors you should focus on so you will stop wasting your time and energy on the wrong competitors.
Two major category of business competitors
1. Major competitors
2. Minor Competitors
Major competitors as the name implies Major meaning this are the competitors you should focus on this category of competitor do exactly the same business you do or they do exactly the same business as you but they have little difference, for example let say you have a business and the business focuses on selling toyota cars and someone(your competitor) decided to start selling all kinds of cars including toyota, this type of competitor is called a major competitor if your business branding is poor then they will eventually take you out of business if you don't want that to happen then you really need to fight to keep your business running because business is also a battle so for your business to stand you must fight i don't mean physical battles that you will be exchanging punches so now that you have known your major competitors lets go to know more about our minor business competitor.
Minor competitors are not competitors are not competitors you should spend time focusing on because you will just be wasting your time and energy now don't get me wrong you can learn minor competitors like how they make sales and lot more, you can even partner with them but competing with them is a total waste of time so let me give you an example of minor competitors let use the car example again let say you are selling toyota cars and someone(your competitor) is selling 4matic cars, he/she is your competitor yes because both of you are selling cars but he/she is a minor competitor but when both of you are manufacturing cars in this case you e/she is a major competitor with you, i hope you understand what i am saying if you don't understand you can let me know in the comment section and i will throw more light.
The best way to beat your competitor in business is through the power of branding, branding is the game changer in every business once you know how to brand your business and you have the right techniques you will really level up your business.
So this are the two major category of business competitors once you understand this then you will really make your business a top notch business.
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Posted: June 23, 2024, 2:27 a.m.